Practical Chiropractic
- Date : 7-8 Oct, 2023
- Speaker : Roger Smith, DC; William Strempel, DC; Carolyn Gochee, DC
- Location : Denver, CO
- Nutri-West Distributor : NUTRI-WEST CORPORATE OFFICE
- Telephone : 866-271-8888
- Description :
12 CEs Colorado
Multiple Chiropractors come together to advance your knowledge of technique! Come join us for a spectacular, interactive, hands-on weekend of techniques that will amaze you and increase your ability to take patients’ wellness to the next level! TMJ, SOT, GPA, cranial, postural alignment, extremities, upper cervical… you name it! The combination of this team’s ability and expertise will impress and resonate with chiropractors. You don’t want to miss this one! Lots of tips and tricks to take back to the office and improve patient care.
Made with pride in Wyoming
where business is still done on a handshake