Chiropractic Nutrition and Adapting to the Ever-Changing Environment

Chiropractic Nutrition and Adapting to the Ever-Changing Environment

  • Date : 4-5 Nov, 2023
  • Speaker : Dan Murphy, DC
  • Location : St. Louis, MO
  • Nutri-West Distributor : Nutri-West Upper Midwest
  • Telephone : 800-247-8800
  • Description :

    12 CEs applied for:

    MO, ND, SD, NE, KS, IL, KY, TN, AR

    Sneak peak into the program:
     Discussions on inflammation from the perspective of evolutionary biology and anthropology.
     Relate fibrotic tissue changes to chiropractic interventions: adjusting, exercise, tissue work etc.
     Understand the “Theory of Everything” related to innate health and how to manage it.
     Learn about biochemistry of essential fatty acids and review imbalances and musculoskeletal pain.
     Learn about excitotoxins and how they influence pain.
     Review the biochemistry of vitamin D, supplements latitudes, integrating sun expose, etc.
     Mitochondrial support and so much more!!!



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